

Bahiana organizes event "Mental Health: What is this fight?"

Meeting discussed the importance of mental health concepts.


On the last 22nd of May, the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública promoted the event “Mental Health: What is this fight?” in the Academic Unit Brotas.

In the program, the importance of mental health concepts was discussed and analyzed, the conference “The Reasons for Rights: health and citizenship” was presented by the judge of law, Gerivaldo Neiva, in addition to workshops on the themes: “Harm Reduction in Mental Health”, “Citizenship and Madness: what is this discourse?”, “Music Therapy in Mental Health”, “Knowledges and Places of Mental Health”, “Harmony Goes Crazy”, “Reduction of the Criminal Age and Mental Health: what do we have to do with it?" and “Mosaic and Musical Experience”.

The event coordinator, the Psychology professor Fábio Azevedo, reports that it is already a tradition of Bahiana hold an event on mental health during the week that celebrates the Anti-Asylum Fight, celebrated on May 18th. “In this issue, we are going to discuss a little the theme 'Mental Health: What is this fight?', precisely to think a little about the limits of the anti-asylum fight, the possibilities and the challenges imposed. Mental health is a space for the production of health in which one cannot think of a merely excluding place, of who is healthy and who is not”.

As Caetano Veloso says: “up close, nobody is normal” and, to clarify these limits of legality, of what is normal and what is abnormal, the judge of law, Gerivaldo Neiva, promoted a discussion on criminal law and mental illness. “The Anti-Asylum Fight has everything to do with the law, because, in the final analysis, it is the judges who determine the admissions, who decree the prohibitions of rights. What we are going to discuss is how an intervention would be, a formatting of what I call the right of madness, because the insane and the mentally ill have rights guaranteed both in Brazilian legislation and in international conventions”, he points out.

According to the coordinator of the Psychology course, Sylvia Barreto, the event's differential was the collective construction that brought together professors, students and partners. "We discussed and decided that it should be a more reflective and questioning proposal that we could build some things, but deconstruct others."

The event was very important for debating extracurricular matters and student Amanda Guene, from the 5th semester of the Psychology course, says that the lecture was very important for integrating law and psychology. "With these discussions we have a view of the law beyond the perspectives of psychology and, as such, we provide a broad view of knowledge about mental health."