

Mental Health - What is this fight?

Bahiana discusses fundamental aspects of mental health in contemporary social contexts.


Next Friday (22/05), the Bahiana brings together professionals and students of Psychology and other areas of health to discuss various aspects of mental health.

The event will be held from 8:XNUMX am at the Academic Unit Brotas, with the participation of the judge Gerivaldo Neiva in the conference "The Reasons for Rights: Health and Citizenship".

After the conference, there will also be seven free workshops, with varied themes and limited places. Check the schedule and sign up:


8am to 10am | Conference: The Reasons for Rights: Health and Citizenship 
Gerivaldo Neiva – Judge of Law 
Courtyard of the Academic Unit Brotas

10:30 pm to 12:XNUMX pm | Workshops
Mental Health Harm Reduction 
Bárbara Carneiro, Lara Canone, Lorena Martins, Alyne Melo, Juraci Neto, Ricardo França, Cassio Lima and Bianca Santos (Psychology Students) 
Room 110 | 50 vacancies

Citizenship and Madness: what is this discourse?
Andrea Machado (social assistant) and Paulo Gonzaga (Psychology intern)
Room 105 | 50 vacancies

Music Therapy in Mental Health 
Aline Góes (music therapist) 
Room 111 | 30 vacancies

Knowledge and Places of Mental Health 
Emile Costa, Elyasmim Sobral, Juliana Barbosa and Milena Oliveira (Psychology interns) 
Room 106 | 30 vacancies

Harmony goes crazy 
Samara Gonçalves, Talissa Rodrigues and Elza Margarete Silva (Psychology students) 
Room 203 | 30 vacancies

Reduction of Criminal Age Reduction and Mental Health: what do we have to do with it?
Helena de Medeiros and Jonatan Hurbath (Psychology students)
Room 204 (30 vacancies)

Mosaic and Music Experience 
Cecília Bombana, Ricardo Melo and Juliana Nascimento (psychologists) 
Room 113 (20 vacancies)


Department of Graduate Studies, Research and Extension

Academic Unit Brotas
Av. D. João VI, 275 - Brotas
Phone: 71. 3276-8265

Cabula Academic Unit
Av. Silveira Martins, 3386 - Cabula
Phone: 71. 3257-8206