

Applications open for selection in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology

Undergraduates and graduates in Dentistry may apply.


A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública opens applications for the selection process of candidates for Specialization in Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology. According to the statute of the Post-Graduate Program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology and in accordance with the lato sensu regiment of the Pro-Rectory of Research and Post-Graduation, enrollment will be exclusively at the Post-Graduate Secretariat of EBMSP on Campus III (Cabula ), Av. Silveira Martins, from 09/02/2015 to 23/02/2015, with a fee of R$70,00 (seventy reais) and payment at the secretariat upon registration.

Applications may be made by graduates of the last semester ending until February 1, 2015, in Dentistry and graduates of the course, being mandatory to fill in an application form and deliver the required documentation at the Postgraduate, Research and Extension Offices at the Cabula Unit. Candidates who are unable to attend to deliver the documentation may send it via mail (Sedex) until the deadline for applications (23/02/2015).

Further information on required documentation, evaluation and selection criteria, at the Postgraduate Research and Extension department at Cabula Unit, by telephone 3257-8206 from 8:30 am to 11:30 am and from 14:30 pm to 17:30 pm, Monday to Friday and by email