

CEDETE supports UFBA in videoconferencing transmission

Session presents project "Genética no Sertão".


The project "Genética no Sertão", an initiative coordinated by the National Institute of Population Medical Genetics (INAGEMP), was the main theme of the videoconference held by RUTE with the support of CEDETE, on November 18th.

The presentation, which was in charge of the teachers Isabella Queiroz (BAHIANA) and Angelina Acosta (UFBA), also had the participation of Prof. Victor Ferraz (USP) and students and professors from the three institutions. 

Genetics in the Sertão
Monte Santo, a city located in the backlands of Bahia and which was the base for Guerra de Canudos, has a high history of inbreeding marriages between cousins, which may explain the recurrence of some rare genetic diseases in the general population, which present, there, certain prevalence, such as mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI). Observing this incidence, the project "Genetics in the Sertão: Ancestrality and Molecular Bases of Genetic Diseases in the Monte Saint-BA Region" was created, coordinated by Prof. Angelina Acosta, with the support of other research institutions.