

Bahiana is represented at the International Symposium

Event was dedicated to Respiratory Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy in Intensive Care.


Professor Luciana Bilitário, coordinator of the Physiotherapy course and former member of the board of the Brazilian Association of Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy in Intensive Care (Assobrafir/ Regional Bahia) and professors Patrícia Alcântara and Cristiane Dias represented the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública as members of the organizing committee of the XVII International Symposium on Respiratory Physiotherapy and Intensive Care Physiotherapy (SIFIR) which took place at the Bahia Convention Center, from September 3rd to 6th. The congress was attended by national and international speakers and more than 1.400 participants.

The teachers of Bahiana they also acted as moderators of national and international conferences and roundtables, and poster and free themes evaluators.

Members of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiotherapy Research Group of the Bahiana (GEPFIR), in addition to professors and students from the Physiotherapy course.

Check out the photos.