

Biomedicine student is awarded in symposium

Work on leprosy is highlighted at the event.


The second semester student of the Biomedicine course, Filipe Rocha Lima, got the award of 1nd place, as best presentation in Northeastern Biomedicine Symposium which took place from November 14th to 16th, at Tiradentes University, in Aracaju (SE). The academic presented the work "Assessment of Anti-Mce1a Antibodies as Potential Serological Biomarkers of Infection, Distinction of Clinical Forms and Reactional States of Leprosy".


Filipe Rocha Lima

The symposium, which had as its theme "The Multiple Faces of Biomedicine", was carried out by the Regional Council of Biomedicine, 2nd Region and had the participation of professionals and students in the area, located in the northeastern states.

It is with pride that the Bahiana congratulates Filipe Rocha Lima and all the other students who represented the School at this event!