

Monitoring 2023.2: results

Check the list of selected ones.


Results - Monitoring of the Biomedicine course 2023.2
Molecular and Cell Biology
Biomorphofunctional I

Results – Monitoring of the Physical Education course 2023.2
Research methodology
Tests, Measurements and Assessment in Physical Education and Sports

Results - Nursing course monitoring 2023.2
Elderly Health Practices

Results – Monitoring of the Physiotherapy course 2023.2
Electrophysical Agents
Supervised Internship in Physiotherapy I

Results - Monitoring of the Medicine course 2023.2
Applied Anatomy - Radiological
Biofunction I
Biofunction II - Semiological Basis
Biomorphofunctional I and II - Macroscopic Fundamentals
Biomorphofunctional I and II, Microscopic Fundamentals Module - BMC/Physiology
Biomorphofunctional I and II - Microscopic Fundamentals, Tissue Aspects (Histology)
Biomorphofunctional II - Macroscopic Fundamentals - Neuroanatomy
Integrated Clinic I
Surgical Skills I
Surgical Skills II
Instrumental Methodology – Intercourse Morphofunctional Sciences Group (GCMi)
First aid

Results - Tutoring of the Dentistry course 2023.2 
Biomorphofunctional I
Biomorphofunctional II
Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology
Children's Clinic I
Oral Rehabilitation Clinic I
Oral Rehabilitation Clinic III
Integrated Clinic I
Outpatient Supervised Internship II
Stomatology I
Stomatology II
Stomatology III
Fundamentals of Oral Rehabilitation I
Fundamentals of Oral Rehabilitation II
Health Illness Process I
Process Health Illness III

Results - Monitoring of the Psychology course 2023.1
Measures in Psychology
Neurosciences Applied to Psychology I
Neurosciences Applied to Psychology III


