

Medical students from Bahiana conquer full podium of Professor Doctor Roberto Santos Award

The award is granted annually by the Academia de Medicina da Bahia for the best course conclusion works.


Photo montage of three medical students Noticia da Bahiana

In times of the World Cup, when the award is a national intention, the Medicine course at the Bahiana takes the lead winning the full podium of the Professor Doctor Roberto Santos award, given annually by the Academia de Medicina da Bahia to the author of the best medical course conclusion work (undergraduate) in the State of Bahia. Academics Mariana Oliveira Amarante Moreno, Marllus Roberto Cunha dos Santos and Victoria Maria Arruda de Brito took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, respectively!

Mariana Oliveira Amarante Moreno, won first place, with the research “Effectiveness of TIPS in BUDD-CHIARI Syndrome – Systematic review and meta-analysis”, guided by Professor Dr. André Castro Lyra. “Effect of anchoring heuristics in the medical decision-making process: balance between intuition and rationality”, was the work awarded second place, authored by Marllus Roberto Cunha dos Santos, under the guidance of Professor Dr. Luis Claudio Lemos Correia. And the third place in the Professor Doctor Roberto Santos award went to the academic Victoria Maria Arruda de Brito, with the study “Prevalence of use of food supplements and other substances by medical students”, which had the guidance of Professor Dr. Juarez Pereira Diaz.

According to Prof. doctor Antônio Carlos Vieira Lopes, President of the Academy of Medicine of Bahia, “It is important to honor Prof. Roberto Santos, encourage scientific research in young medical students and recognize the research groups that include these undergraduate students”.