

Medical students from Bahiana produce art in the final module of the course

The discipline was offered with the aim of providing self-knowledge and expansion of looking at oneself and the other.


The module Medicine and Art, coordinated by Professor Dr. Iêda Aleluia, was offered for the first time to students in the last semester of graduation of the Medicine course at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. The objective was to provide students with the experience of using drawing as a resource for self-knowledge, listening and expanding a careful look at themselves and the other. At the end of the optional module, the students produced a collective drawing of the human body. The art was built from the individual perspectives and perspectives of the participants in the discipline.

Each student chose an organ of the human body to represent in a subjective drawing. For this, the graduates established agreements among themselves and reached a consensus. the teacher of Bahiana Iris Pirajá taught weekly classes that took place through digital education, with practical drawing and painting exercises. All material produced was posted on the AVA. “Working with the students of the 12th semester of Medicine was a great gift”, says the professor who also teaches the freshmen of the course. “The article highlighted the importance of taking a break at the end of a trajectory of great dedication, learning and discoveries”, added the professor.

Iris Pirajá also says that the project made it possible to wake up to the profession. “This collective activity represented the work of medicine, which is multidisciplinary. Each professional, in their specialty, has knowledge that integrates teamwork”. Therefore, elaborating the illustrated anatomy reinforced the meaning of medicine as a joint activity, in addition to highlighting the importance of trusting the other and knowing one's own limitations.