




The coordinator of the Biomedicine Course, in the use of his duties, informs the faculty and students of the Biomedicine Course that registration is open for the presentation of the work plans that will compete for the Monitoring Scholarship, effective for the period 20.08.2008 to 19.08.2008

The Biomedicine Course Monitoring Scholarship Program aims to support the execution of monitoring with resources from the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, through the granting of monthly scholarships to students regularly enrolled and selected by the professors during the 12-month period.

Monitoring is a student activity, with an academic scope, linked to the curriculum development and the formation of the undergraduate. It is developed as a set of theoretical and practical activities of a pedagogical nature, which can be expressed through teaching, research and extension, under the guidance of professors, favoring cooperative learning and, at the same time, student autonomy . Its purpose is to encourage students to interact with professors and other students, obtain new knowledge through the search, reading and interpretation of scientific information, in addition to developing skills and abilities in specific methodologies and techniques of subject studies.

1. Eligible students

Students regularly enrolled in the Biomedicine course at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, from the 2nd (second) to the 7th (seventh) semester, already selected by the professor of the Course for the exercise of Monitoring, with availability of dedication of at least 08 (eight) hours per week to monitoring activities.

2. Eligible faculty advisors

Faculty members of the Biomedicine Course at Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, with student orientation available for at least 2 hours per week.

3. Registration

Enrollment must be made by the student at the Academic Unit III- Cabula Office, from 31/07 to 13/08/2008, through the delivery of the following documents:
o Candidate's transcript signed by the Secretary of the Academic Unit.
the Monitoring Plan, according to the Form (Annex A), signed by the advisor professor.
o Timetable for the current semester

4. Selection

 The selection of proposals submitted in compliance with this Notice will comply with the judgment criteria of the Complementary Activities Commission.

Students who:
- Possess benefit of any other type of remuneration or scholarship to promote teaching or research;
- Has failed the subject being monitored;
- Pass the subject object of monitoring with a grade lower than 7,0 (seven).

5. Result and Implementation of the Scholarship

The results of the selection will be announced by the Secretariat of Academic Unit, approved by the Curriculum Integration Council - CIC.
The scholarship will be implemented by Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation 

At the end of each semester, the fellow monitor will forward it, through the Secretariat of the Academic Unit, activity report signed by the advisor professor.

The faculty advisor may request the cancellation of the scholarship, if the scholarship holder is not complying with the timetable and attributions contained in the respective Monitoring Plan.

A Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública the right to, at any time, request additional information or additional documents deemed necessary for the evaluation and follow-up of the proposals is reserved.

7. Revocation or Annulment of the Notice

At any time, this Notice may be revoked or annulled, in whole or in part, including when the resources allocated to it by unilateral decision of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, for reasons of public interest or by legal requirement, without this implying rights to indemnity or claim of any nature.

8. Term of scholarships

The duration of the scholarship is 12 (twelve) months.
The period cannot exceed the regular graduation period of the Course.

9. Schedule

Release of the Notice 31/07/2008   
Receipt of proposals by 13/08/2008   
Analysis and Judgment until 15/08/2008    
Disclosure of results until 18/08/2008    
Implementation of scholarships 20/08/2008

Salvador, July 31, 2008

Prof. Geraldo Argolo Ferraro
Course coordinator