

Bahiana promotes VI Symposium on Biomedicine

The event will be held on March 17th and 18th, at the Cabula Academic Unit.


Students and professionals of Biomedicine and other health areas will be gathered at the VI Symposium on Biomedicine, on March 17th and 18th, at the Cabula Academic Unit of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

The event aims to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge and awaken the interest of academics in the development of technologies and equipment, preparing them for a better insertion in the work area.

Throughout the program, there will be short courses, round tables with specific themes, lectures and presentations of academic papers.

240 vacancies will be made available.


MARCH 17th


Topic 1: Interpretation of laboratory tests
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Mara Dias Pires
Open Hours: 8am to 12pm (theory and practice)
Location: Classroom
Number of vacancies: 20

MARCH 18th

Topic 2: Epidemiological studies using secondary data (DATASUS)
Instructor: Prof. MSc. Caroline Feitosa
Open Hours: 8am to 12pm (practice)
Location: Computer Laboratory I
Number of vacancies: 20

Topic 3: Biomedical role in the prevention of cervical cancer through cytopathological diagnosis.
Instructor: Biomedical Alisson de Aquino Firmino
Open Hours: 8am to 12pm (theory and practice)
Location: Classroom
Number of vacancies: 20

Topic 4: Food Technology
Instructor: Biomedical Flávia Cristina Lacerda Barbosa
Open Hours: 8am to 12pm (theory and practice)
Location: Clinical Laboratory I
Number of vacancies: 20

Topic 5: Patents and Technological Prospecting
Instructor: Ms. Fernanda Ferraz
Open Hours: 8am to 12pm (practice)
Location: Computer Laboratory II
Number of vacancies: 20

Topic 6: Assisted Reproduction and its Innovations: Role of the Biomedic Instructor: Ms. Jéssica Fernandes
Open Hours: 8am to 12pm (theory and practice)
Location: Clinical Laboratory 2
Number of vacancies: 20

Topic 7: Innovations in Biomedicine
Instructor: Ms. Gabriel Andrade Nonato Queiroz
Open Hours: 8am to 12pm (theory and practice)
Location: Classroom
Number of vacancies: 20

Prof. Dr. Geraldo Argolo Ferraro and Prof. Dr. Sidney Carlos de Jesus Santana
Open Hours: 13h30min

Lecture 1: The Importance of the Scientific Advisor in Clinical Automation to Support Laboratory Diagnosis.
Speaker: Messias Santos Moraes Costa (advisor at Siemens Healthineers)

Lecture 2: Career Management
Speaker: Vanda Regina Baqueiro Ribeiro
Open Hours: 14am to 15:30pm
Mediator: Vanessa Brito

Round table
Degree: O Caminho das Pedras: success reports from biomedical graduates in different areas.
Speakers: Biomedical Professionals Egress from Bahiana
Open Hours: 15h30 to 16h30

Interval ­
Coffee Break
Open Hours: 16h30 to 16h50

Work Presentation (Banner)
Open Hours: 16am to 16:50pm

Oral Presentations (Professor Dr. Geraldo Leite Award)
Open Hours: 16:50 pm to 18:XNUMX pm
Mediator: Geraldo Jose Argolo Ferraro

Secretariat for Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation and Extension

Academic Unit Brotas 
Av. D. João VI, 275 - Brotas
Phone: 71. 3276-8265

Cabula Academic Unit
Av. Silveira Martins, 3386 - Cabula
Phone: 71. 3257-8206