
MCC receives an exhibition from the Mangabeira & Sherlock Entomological Collection: popularization of science

The event received three other special shows.


Oito em cada dez animais do planeta são insetos. O número expressa a importância de estudar e catalogar esses animais, feito realizado pelo médico e pesquisador Octávio Mangabeira Filho e o biólogo Ítalo Sherlock, nas décadas de 1940 a 1950, o que levou à Coleção Entomológica Mangabeira & Sherlock com mais de 34 mil exemplares de diversas espécies de artrópodes, em sua maioria insetos de interesse médico. O recorte escolhido pelo curador da coleção, o professor da Bahiana Artur Gomes Dias Lima, presented at the Bahiana, 12 das 224 gavetas da coleção na exposição “Coleção Entomológica Mangabeira & Sherlock: popularização da ciência”, que aconteceu no dia 7 de outubro, na Unidade Acadêmica Cabula, como parte da programação da XVI Mostra Científica e Cultural da Bahiana.

The curator explains that the collection has great relevance to science as it serves as a database that allows the development of strategic research in ecology, biogeography, conservation, taxonomy and systematics. The mission of this collation is to conduct research and promote the training of human resources related to insects and other arthropods of medical interest.

The curator of the collection was headed by Dr. Italo Sherlock, who was its curator at the invitation of Dr. Octávio Mangabeira. After his death, the group lost its visibility and, in 2014, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation signed an agreement with the UNEB that appointed Professor Artur Gomes Dias Lima to be its new curator. “I immediately accepted this invitation, because it would not be a job, but a gift and today it is under my responsibility at the University of the State of Bahia”.

For UNEB Nursing student Igor das Virgens Santana, who acted as monitor of the exhibition, “the great importance of this collection is to be able to study and learn about the transmission of many arboviruses, in addition to getting to know more about those insects with which we live a lot. and others that we don't know so much”.

In addition to the exhibition Mangabeira & Sherlock Entomological Collection: popularization of science, MCC visitors were able to visit the photography exhibits “Microscopic Panoramas”, by exhibitors Caique Costa and Luís Sergio Santos Nunes and “Body, city and mental health”, by professor Mônica Daltro and students of the 7th and 8th semesters of the Psychology course.

Undergraduate course activities

Visitors to the XVI MCC were also able to learn more deeply about the extension activities carried out by the undergraduate courses of the Bahiana who presented their achievements in stands and spaces in the green area of ​​the Cabula Academic Unit.

“Integrative and complementary practices of traditional Chinese medicine and aesthetic biomedicine: comprehensive care for the individual” was the theme of the stand of the Biomedicine course, which had professors Sidney Carlos de Jesus Santana and Renata Roseghini as coordinators.
The Physiotherapy course stand had the theme “Assessing, treating and taking care of Physiotherapy”, under the coordination of professors Giovana Bergheme, Francisco de Oliveira, João Amaro, Mayra Castro de Matos Sousa and Moema Soares.

The stand “Health promotion with PETGraduaSUS Bahiana” brought together professors and students from the Nursing, Medicine and Dentistry courses and was coordinated by professors Marta Menezes, Patrícia Suguri and Rosicleide Freitas with the participation of the Academic League of Clinical Medicine (LACM).

“Plural views on drugs: harm reduction and coordination culture” was the theme discussed by the Psychology course, under the coordination of Professor Lidiane Guedes.

In the green area of ​​the Bahiana, the Physical Education course interacted with the participants with games and games from popular culture with the motto: “Playing is health!”, under the coordination of graduate coordinator Clarcson Plácido and professor João Franco Lima.

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