
Bahiana holds the VI Researchers Forum

Programming featured technology and education guests.


Arranjos do universo da música popular brasileira tocados com a delicadeza e a precisão do Quarteto de Cordas Carybé, do projeto Neojiba deram início às atividades da XVI Mostra Científica e Cultural da Bahiana, cujas atividades científicas começaram com a realização do VI Fórum de Pesquisadores, na manhã do dia 6 de outubro, no Centro de Convenções da Bahiana, at the Cabula Academic Unit.

The ceremony was made official with the words of the dean of Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani and the deans of Research and Innovation, Atson Fernandes, Graduate and Graduate, Maria de Lourdes Gomes and Extension, Carolina Pedroza. "This event's main objective is to bring people together so that they can get to know each other, interact, not only with the external public, but mainly with the internal public. So, the purpose is for us to provoke this network of discussions. The topics covered were all of integration with speakers from outside the health area, but we show the need for contact with other areas of knowledge so that we can develop in research, technology and innovation", stated Prof. Atson.
"Translational Research in Health: a connection between the production and application of context" was the theme of the talk show mediated by Prof. Dr. Bernardo Galvão who received guest speakers Dr. Thomas Buck, superintendent of the State Department of Science and Technology (SECTI), who presented the lecture "The importance of innovation in health research: the role of research groups" and the professor at UNEB and Senai/Cimatec, Lynn Alves who addressed the theme "The importance of research groups for R&D in scientific and technological institutions".

For Thomas Buck, the Bahia scenario is going well in terms of science and innovation, however, it is still necessary to produce knowledge for the demands raised by society. "When we think about the knowledge chain, especially study and research, specifically in the health area, Bahia is doing well. Our human resource trained here in the state is of high quality, research is relevant, we have research groups ranked in the CAPS directory , like the ISC research group with level 6, one of the only ones in the Northeast. What we understand that we need to improve is that this knowledge is not reaching the health problems".


In the 6th edition of the Researchers Forum, the
Professor Humberto Castro Lima Award
Best Researcher of the Year was awarded to the Professor of Medicine and the Postgraduate Program at Bahiana, Dr. Myttermayer Santiago.

For the first time, the Research Group of the Year Award whose winner was the Cardiovascular Diseases Group, represented by Professor Ana Marice Ladeia. "It is an extremely important recognition that will have an even greater impact on our productivity. Today, we work with graduate and scientific initiation students. Our group is focused on cardiovascular diseases, but it has a scope involving the correlated areas and, therefore, we dialogue a little with other pathologies that impact cardiovascular health, such as sickle cell anemia, which is a line in which we have advanced a lot and we have had an interface with other less common aspects in the context of cardiovascular and cardiometabolic disease that are aspects related to stress and to interventions that can improve this".

The program ended with the exhibition of e-posters from the research groups of the Bahiana.

Check out the photos.

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