
MCC 2019: a mix of science, art, philosophy and love

XIX Scientific and Cultural Exhibition of Bahiana took hundreds of people to Campus Cabula.


"Science, Philosophy, Love and Art: all together and mixed". This was the theme of the XIX Scientific and Cultural Exhibition of Bahiana which took place on the 8th and 9th of October at Campus Cabula, when dozens of scientific, cultural and artistic activities were carried out, involving hundreds of students, teachers, researchers, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations and organized civil society. The first day included the IX Forum of Researchers of Bahiana and the first moment of the XVII PIBIC Scientific Initiation Day, with the presentation of scientific works and awards. In turn, art was even more present on the second day of the event, whose opening included the presentation "A Vida é uma Riqueza" by Grupo Sem Limites, linked to the Rede de Protagonistas em Ação de Itapagipe (REPROTAI). Participating in the opening were the People Development coordinator, Prof. Luiza Ribeiro, the Extension Dean, Carolina Pedroza, and the pedagogical advisor for the Institutional Teacher Development Program (PROIDD), Lígia Marques Vilas Bôas, both general coordinators of MCC .

"Bahiana preaches a formation with everything together and mixed. The hierarchies here are diluted in the citizen role of each one. So the Scientific and Cultural Exhibition reflects this joyful interdisciplinary work. The collaborator or the person of the community", declares Luiza Ribeiro.

According to Lígia Marques Vilas Bôas, the idea behind this year's theme is to think about integration: "When we separate these elements, it is for a didactic matter, but our practice is crossed by a philosophy: nobody is neutral, nobody produces anything without being in a position, even if he doesn't recognize himself, and the scientist is a political being – he does science in the service of some idea. Is he doing science for love? Is science an art? Science has a philosophy that he respects and do you believe and it's for diversity? That's why it's 'all together and mixed'".

Racism, machismo, homophobia, urban violence and social inequalities were some points of reflection proposed in the presentation and, later, discussed in a chat involving the young artists and the audience. Leandro Davanso (@kenai0114), member of Sem Limites, says that he discovered REPROTAI after leaving his parents' home, when he was just 16 years old, to pursue a career as an artist. According to him, it was on the network that he was able to develop his artistic talent, and today, in addition to being an art educator, he is a public policy representative, through the MJPOP project (REPROTAI): "Today we are developing this training for younger people, with art and politics, teaching them to think politically so that they know where their place is, and so that they don't expect others to do it for them. And their place is wherever they feel like being, wherever they aspire to be."

For Carlos Santos da Luz (@mano_xandao_oficial), also a member of Sem Limites, the group proposes life: "Regardless of the adverse situations that happen to us and everything that oppresses us, we can transform it into poetry, music, dance and theater. This universe of art, music and culture itself is what gives us the support to make others also step out of their boxes. We have to understand that each person is a universe, and in this lies the idea that there are thousands of possibilities for create art." Actors and dancers Noca Cruz (@sopodiaserpreta), Taciane Campos (@tacynhabreezy), Wadi Santana (@wadsonsantana) and Liliane Silva also participated in the presentation.

"When we think that the Bahiana it has exhausted everything it can extract from us in terms of potential, learning, emotion and art, it surprises us. It's great to be in this place and experience this emotion with these people, because, although we discuss the topic, which was brought here, it's different for you to live what we live. Bringing art, philosophy, science... all together and mixed and not being thought, but felt. That's how we learn. That's why we are proud to be and to be Bahiana", declared the professor of the Nursing course, Cristane Magali.

Also following the concept of this edition of MCC, the clip was released "You are Five", fruit of the Pra Tocar project, conceived by the employee of the Heritage sector at Bahiana Márcio Santos and carried out by the Strategic Management of People and Organizational Learning – GEPAP. Telma Bastos, manager of GEPAP, explains that the project was born from a workshop held at the last annual meeting of employees whose theme was "Learning and Teaching". On the occasion, workshops were promoted by the employees themselves. "Knowing that Márcio is a professional percussionist, we invited him to hold a percussion workshop and, at the end of the meeting, there was a presentation that pleased everyone present. This motivated Márcio, who realized the opportunity to carry out an activity that also involved PWDs However, Pra Tocar attracted more people and today it is open to any collaborator and student". The group meets on Wednesday afternoons on Campus Brotas.

The activities in the auditorium were concluded with the traditional drawing of air tickets for approved works, aimed at the participation of students and/or professors in scientific events outside the state.