
MCC is also Social Responsibility

Mostra welcomes seniors and teenagers with playful and educational activities.


The group of elderly women from the Parish of Our Lady of Brotas e Abrigo Monte Alverne também compôs o público da Mostra Científica e Cultural da Bahiana this year. They were received in the afternoon of the first day of the event, by the Academic Leagues of Neurodynamics (LAND) and Psychiatry (LAP), whose participants coordinated artistic activities in order to stimulate both manual and emotional skills.

Alzira Josefina says that she has been attending the group for about a year and sees the approach to aging as a benefit: “I find this meeting very interesting because it is a way of associating people, of making them meet, because generally , as they get older, they have more difficulty getting around and performing social activities. It is a time for meeting and getting to know each other, so that we know how to live with this phase we are going through, know how to deal with changes, problems and joys”.

Rosina Leda Paixão da Silva was satisfied with the work developed by academics from the leagues. “I really enjoyed coming here today and being with the boys. Thank God these young people are seeking to develop this work aimed at the elderly. Today we are becoming independent and making our choices, seeking our happiness within our limits”.

Também visitaram a MCC os estudantes do ensino fundamental do Colégio Anita Lélis, da cidade de Riachão do Jacuípe. Eles participaram de uma atividade coordenada pelos estudantes de Medicina, monitores do Laboratório Morfofuncional. Para tornar a visita especial, os acadêmicos escolheram o amor como tema. “Hoje estamos abordando como a anatomia funciona com o amor. Trouxemos músicas, poemas e vídeos para demonstrar como o nosso corpo reage ao amor”, explica o acadêmico do 3º semestre de Medicina Márcio Barreto.
Maria Clara de Oliveira Cunha, 15 years old, a student at Colégio Anita Lélis, says she was even without sleep, looking forward to visiting the Bahiana: “I thought everything was really amazing. The part I liked was the anatomy area, as I am passionate about this topic. It is hopeful to see young people who started the way we want to start, already awakening in us this desire to study, this desire to want to pursue the profession and do with excellence. It is very hopeful for us, who are starting to think about the profession we are going to have. I thought everything was beautiful. People are special. I was enchanted by every place here”.

Victor Gabriel da Silva Oliveira, 14, says that the Bahiana surprised him. “It's more than I expected, because here everything is wonderful, like in a movie. I had never had the opportunity to visit a college especially dedicated to health”.

The school principal and mother of the medical student Rafael Lélis, Guia Lélis, emphasizes the importance of the visit: “It is a great joy to be here today, not only as a mother of a student, but bringing students from my school to attend an environment so beautiful. They are already in the 9th grade, with prospects of entering high school and, soon, college, so today we can show the range of courses that the Bahiana offers”.

On the second day of MCC, it was the turn of the students of the 2nd year of high school, from the Our Lady of Light College, participate in the activities. They split up and allocated themselves in two rooms to debate the topic “Fact or rumor: should I believe or are you fooling me?!”

Medical graduates, Gabriel Grisi, 9th semester (Bahiana), Camila Verônica Freire, 5th semester (Bahiana), Daniel Medina, 10th semester (UFRB), Thiago Taniguch, 7th semester (Bahiana), and Professor Diego Rabelo were at the forefront of the theme, guiding the discussions.

According to student Camila Verônica Freire, the objective of the discussion was to take scientific and philosophical thoughts beyond the walls of the university: “For this reason, the space was designed to receive high school students. It is an initiative that encompasses the scientific, social and political fields, through the sharing of ideas. The intention is not to dictate what is true or false, but to empower students according to available information."

For Matheus Rosal, 17, a second-year high school student at Colégio Nossa Senhora da Luz, “the didactic used was interesting and, contrary to what is observed in the classroom, the action encouraged critical thinking”.

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MCC is also Social Responsibility

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Also check out:

MCC Day 1 Photo Gallery

MCC Day 2 Photo Gallery

XIX Forum of Researchers Photo Gallery Bahiana