
X Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana

PROIDD discloses the event's program of activities. Check out!


Bahiana has just released the programming do X Pedagogical Forum, the main event of the Institutional Program for Teacher Development (PROIDD) calendar. The meeting will take place on August 15th and 16th, at the Convention Center of the Bahiana (UA Cabula), and will bring together teachers from Bahiana and from partner educational institutions.

In this edition, we will have the participation of special guests - professors Dr. Ruy Souza, Dr. Ivonete Barreto de Amorim and Dr. Suely Grosseman.

The institution's professors will also be able to visit the Information Technology Center (NTI) stand and learn about the services and news offered by the School.

Check the complete schedule:

Friday, August 15

8am | Interactive Lecture: Communication Skills in Health Education
Prof. Dr. Suely Grosseman – Post-doctorate in Medical Education (Drexel University College of Medicine – Philadelphia), PhD in Production Engineering (Federal University of Santa Catarina) and Master in Mother and Child Health (University of London).
Objetivo: apresentar o que e como ensinar; avaliar as habilidades de comunicação dos alunos na formação em saúde.

10 am | coffee break

10:30 am | Interactive Lecture 2: Authentic Learning and Feedback
Prof. Dr. Ruy Souza: Master in Education for Health Professions 
(Maastricht University, Netherlands) and Master in Medicine (Neurology) from Universidade Federal Fluminense.
Objetivo: apresentar a estratégia de como deve ser dado o feedback aos alunos, a fim de promover o desenvolvimento da competência relacional e a aprendizagem autêntica para uma formação humanista em saúde.

14h | Interactive Lecture 3: The curriculum and transversal skills
Prof. Dr. Ivonete Barreto de Amorim – pedagogue with a doctorate in Family from the Contemporary Society (Catholic University of Salvador) and a master's degree in Education and Contemporaneity (UNEB).
Objetivo: apresentar as características de um currículo, sua estrutura e as formas de funcionamento na área de saúde, incluindo as redes de relações interpessoais que se estabelecem nesse contexto.

16:30 am | coffee break

Saturday, August 16

Dr. Maria Luisa Soliani – director of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública and general coordinator of the Foundation Bahiana for Science Development

Castro Alves Orchestra – NEOJIBA Project 
Conductor: Mariana Ferrer (ARG)

PROIDD Blog – Bahiana
Regina Carvalho – manager of the Communication Center of the Bahiana

Golden butterfly 

10 am | coffee break
Panoramas da Alma III - Luis Sérgio Nunes
Violinos - Thomas Kraack e Caíque Guimarães

10:30 am | Interactive Lecture 4: The evolution of course curricula at Bahiana
Coordenação: Dra. Maria Luisa Soliani 
Debatedores: Prof.ª Dra. Suely Grosseman, Prof. Dr. Ruy Souza e a Prof.ª Dra. Ivonete Amorim 
Apresentadores: Prof.ª Me. Eliana de Paula (Medicina), Prof.ª Me. Luciana Bilitário (Fisioterapia), Prof. Dr. Geraldo Argolo (Biomedicina), Prof.ª Me. Maria de Lourdes de Freitas (Enfermagem), Prof.ª Me. Mônica Daltro (Psicologia) e Prof. Dr. Urbino Tunes (Odontologia)

Local: Memorial da Saúde - U. A. Cabula
Traje: Dê Asas ao seu Borboleguim 


Registration until August 13 at the General Secretariat | Tel: 3276-8218 | Email: