
I Scientific Initiation Seminar - PIBIC

Bahiana promotes an event open to IC students and professors at the Academic Unit Brotas. Check the schedule. 


This Saturday morning (02), the Bahiana holds the XNUMXst Scientific Initiation Seminar - PIBIC. Held at the Academic Unit Brotas, the event will bring together IC students, professors and course coordinators.



8 am | Reception
Prof. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani

8:20 am | Lecture
Participation in research in the undergraduate course
Prof. doctor Diego Menezes

8:50 am | Roundtable: Scientific Initiation
Prof. Dr. Marta Menezes

8:50 am | Dissemination of research - IC student participation
Prof. Dr. Luis Claudio Correa

9:05 am | Adviser-advisor relationship: the role of the advisor
Prof. Dr. Ana Marice Teixeira Ladeia

9:20 am | Adviser-advisor relationship: the role of the mentee
Prof. doctor Marcos Almeida Matos

9:35 am | Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program
Prof. Dr. Lucíola Crisostomo

9:55 am | Discussion

10:10 am | Break/Coffee

10:30 am | Colloquium: Research and Scientific Initiation
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Kátia Nunes Sá
Debaters: Prof. Dr. Luis Erlon Rodrigues, Prof. Dr. Luis Cláudio Corrêa, Prof. Dr. Diego Menezes, Prof. Dr. Juarez Dias, Prof. Dr. Marilda Castelar, Prof. Dr. Patrícia Lordelo, Prof. Roseny Ferreira, Prof. Dr. Silvia Regina Reis, Prof. Dr. Tânia Bispo

11h50 | Closing
Prof. Dr. Kátia Nunes Sá