
Physiotherapy student is awarded

Student was highlighted in his presentation at the VI Congress of Manual Physiotherapy.


The 5th semester student of the Physiotherapy course, Gabriel Venas, was awarded the 8th place for the presentation of scientific work at the VI Congress of Manual Physiotherapy, which took place in João Pessoa, Paraíba.


Gabriel Venas, 5th semester student of the Physiotherapy course.

The student presented the work "Quality of Life and Functional Independence in Patients with Osteoarthritis in the Knee", authored by the former student of the Master's in Health Technologies at Bahiana, Ivan Araujo.

This was one of the first experiences with scientific research by the academic Gabriel Venas who followed the work from the beginning, integrating the Research Group on the Neuromusculoskeletal System, led by Prof. Dr. Kátia Sá.

Check out the photos.