
Monitors 2014.2: open enrollment

Pay attention to application deadlines.


As inscrições para o processo seletivo das Monitorias 2014.2 estão abertas. Interessados devem dirigir-se às secretarias das unidades acadêmicas Brotas and Kabula.


Monitors of the Psychology course 2014.2

Foundation of Philosophy and Ethics

Fundamentals of Psychology

Methodology II

Psychosocial Processes and Human Rights

Psychology in Tertiary Care

Psychology in Brazil and Professional Ethics

Mental Health

Research Techniques and Practices in Psychology IV

Psychotherapeutic Theories and Techniques

Research Techniques and Practices in Psychology III



Monitors of the Nursing Course 2014.2

First aid

Practical Foundations of Nursing II


Monitors of the Physiotherapy Course 2014.2

Biomorphofunctional II


First aid



Biomedicine course monitors 2014.2

Environmental and Product Assessment

Complementary Therapies Bases

Molecular and Cell Biology


Ecology and Health

Public Health I

Seminars I




Assistantships of the Dentistry course 2014.2

Biofunction I

Biofunction II

Biomorphofunctional I

Biomorphofunctional II

Adolescent Clinic

Special Dentistry Clinic

Oral Rehabilitation Clinic I

Oral Rehabilitation Clinic II

Oral Rehabilitation Clinic III

Children's Clinic I


Fundamentals of Oral Rehabilitation I

Fundamentals of Oral Rehabilitation II

Stomatology II


Internship in Integrated Clinic I

Internship_in Clinical_Integrated II

Internship in Integrated Clinic III

Internship in Integrated Clinic IV

Instrumental Methodology

Pediatric Dentistry



Health and Disease Process I

Health and Disease II Process

Health and Disease Process III

Public Health II

Public Health III

Course Completion Paper I



Monitoring of the Medicine course 2014.2

Biofunction II

Integrated Clinic I - Medical Semiology module I


Morphofunctional Sciences Group



Center for Teaching and Research in Anatomy

First aid

Medical Psychology

Medical and Mental Semiology

Operative Technique and Experimental Surgery I

Operative Technique and Experimental Surgery II



Salvador, 05/05/2014
Monitoring Advisory Committee