
Bahiana launches meditation group

Meetings take place at the NAPP (UA Brotas).


Bahiana innovates once again and brings to its community a meditation group that holds weekly meetings, on Wednesdays, at 17 pm, at the Psychopedagogical Care Center (NAPP), Academic Unit Brotas.

According to the mediator, Prof. Dr. Regina Brasil, from the Medicine course, “here at Bahiana there is a wealth of people open to learn, to investigate, to exchange, so group meditation can bring benefits not only to the individual, but also to the entire community that is here.” Students, teachers and employees can participate. It is worth remembering that, although the activities started in March, interested parties can participate at any time, simply by registering in the Human Resources department at Bahiana, by telephone 2101-1930.

Check out the interview with Prof. Dr. Regina Brasil and learn more about the benefits of meditation. Enjoy and participate!

How did the initiative of this meditation group in Bahiana?
The idea came from the desire to share a learning experience that has been important to me, which is the work of Healing, a self-knowledge methodology, in which meditation is a fundamental part. Talking with Isis Pristed, who brought this work to Brazil more than 30 years ago, and who develops this knowledge with various groups, both in Brazil and in other countries, she made herself available for us to start, together, this moment of practice, here at Bahiana, where I have been for 14 years, with medical students. I took the idea to our coordinator, Eliana de Paula, who fully supported the project and, here we are, hoping that this seed can bear fruit.

What is the purpose of developing an activity like this in our School?
As I said initially, my desire is to share a learning experience that I have been carrying out for almost 20 years and that has no deadline for completion, as it is a search within the scope of self-knowledge and, therefore, continues throughout life. And the more we share, the more we learn, don't you agree? Here in Bahiana there is a wealth of people open to learn, to investigate, to exchange, that's why I believe that group meditation can bring benefits not only to the individual, but also to the entire community that is here, learning every day.

How are the meetings held? Are there any specific techniques? How long is it?
The meetings are weekly, held on Wednesdays, from 17 pm to 18 pm, in the NAPP room.

Meditation can be practiced through a variety of techniques. In this group that we started in Bahiana, the methodology is based on Healing, a body of knowledge that integrates the physical and the subtle, works with our energetic anatomy and physiology. Healing prioritizes exercises, practices and meditations as ways that help us find, at some point, the contacts whose resonance can bring us, both the confrontation with our conflicts and blocks and the contact with our essence and centering. In other words, with what we need to move forward in our personal quest. Like any other meditation work, it takes time and discipline, there is no x-period for closing. This is not a training group, but a practice group, of experiencing the search for the meditative process. Due to the calendar of activities of the Bahiana, we are proposing to continue until the first week of June, when there will be a break due to vacations, and we will restart in the second semester. I hope it's possible to proceed without deadlines to finish!

Do I need prior knowledge to participate in the meetings?
No, all that is needed is the desire and the openness to follow this path.

How can collaborators participate?
The group is open to students, staff and teachers of the Bahiana. We only ask interested parties to register, as the number of people in the room is restricted to its size; and ideally there is regularity and punctuality in attendance, so that progressive development can take place.