
Milk collected from academic events is donated to charities

One of the donations went to the ADAB HTLV Center.


Parte das doações de leite em pó, realizadas durante a XIII Mostra Científica e Cultural da Bahiana, XI Jornada de Iniciação Científica - PIBIC e III Simpósio de Biomedicina foi destinada a pacientes do Centro de HTLV do ADAB. A entrega, que aconteceu no dia 5 de novembro, contou com a presença do Dr. Bernardo Galvão, coordenador do Centro, Edmilson Santana Santos e Edjane Cardoso Barroso, pacientes, Nilson Lázaro, técnico de laboratório e Angélica Mendes, gestora do NAPP e coordenadora da Comissão Organizadora da MCC. Na ocasião, foram doados 161,6Kg de leite em pó.


According to Angélica Mendes, the purpose of this donation "is to support the important work that the HTLV Center does with HTLV mothers, who cannot breastfeed. In this way, the vertical transmission of the virus is avoided". To learn more about HTLV, check the article.



A second part of the donations, comprising 161,6 kg of powdered milk, was delivered last Monday, November 25, by educator Anna Paula Cidreira, to the Conceição Macedo Beneficent Institution, which assists children with HIV/AIDS. A third part will go to the Support Group for Children with Cancer (GACC).