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Tribute to Prof. Dr. Armênio Guimarães


Great personalities of the health sciences of Bahia were present at the Academic Unit Brotas to celebrate 80 years of Prof. Dr. Armenian Guimarães, on the 20th of September. The meeting between long-time friends and colleagues was an initiative of students and professors of the Graduate Program in Medicine and Human Health. 


The celebration table included the distinguished figures of the President of the Bahia Academy of Sciences and former governor of Bahia, Prof. Dr. Roberto Santos; the president of the Bahia Association of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Antônio Carlos Vieira Lopes; the president of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology-Section Bahia, Prof. Dr. Augusto Almeida; the coordinator of Postgraduate Research and Extension at Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Kátia Sá; the permanent professor of the Postgraduate Course in Medicine and Human Health, Dr. Bernardo Galvão Filho; the Municipal Secretary for Management, Dr. Alexandre Paupério; the deputy director of Bahiana, prof. Dr. Enio Maynard; in addition to the representative of the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Bahia (FAPESB), Ana Oliveira and the representative of the student body of the Medicine and Human Health program, Cyntia Sampaio.


The ceremony was opened by the words of the coordinator of the postgraduate program in Medicine and Human Health, Prof. Dr. Ana Marice Ladeia, former student of Professor Armênio and with whom she has had joint scientific activities for 30 years. Also present were the honoree's wife, Mrs. Maria Helena, the children Isabel and Paulo and the grandson Pedro.