
Academy of Medicine of Bahia empowers personalities of the Bahiana

Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani and Prof. Dr. Edvaldo Fahel now occupies chairs 27 and 12 of the AMB.


The psychiatrist and director of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, will be honored at the gala night held by the Academy of Medicine of Bahia, on October 3rd. She will be sworn in as the holder of chair number 27, of which Prof. José Correia Picanço and whose last occupant was Prof. Humberto de Castro Lima, also former director of Bahiana.

At the same ceremony, the general surgeon and professor of the Medicine course at the Bahiana, Dr. Edvaldo Fahel. He will be the holder of chair number 12, whose patron is Prof. Aristides Pereira Maltez and last occupant, Dr. Mario Augusto Jorge de Castro Lima.

A solenidade, que será conduzida pelo presidente da Academia de Medicina da Bahia, confrade Prof. Dr. Almério de Souza Machado, acontece às 19h30min, no Centro de Convenções da Bahiana, localizado na Unidade Acadêmica Cabula, Av. Silveira Martins, 3386 (em frente ao Hospital Roberto Santos).