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Psychologist's Day


Violência, tema recorrente na sociedade atual, foi debatida na manhã de hoje, 19 de agosto, na mesa-redonda “Desafios da Juventude Contemporânea” que teve como participantes os pesquisadores convidados, Dr. Rui Alexandre Paquete Paixão (Universidade de Coimbra - Portugal) que apresentou o tema "Representações da Violência entre Íntimos em Estudantes Universitários" e a presidente da Comissão de Cultura e Extensão Universitária do Instituto de Psicologia da USP, Dra. Leila Salomao de La Plata Cury Tradivo que abordou a temática "Avaliação do Desenvolvimento da Identidade (AIDA) em Adolescentes Vítimas de Violência e Infratores: bases para a prevenção". A discussão, que aconteceu na Unidade Acadêmica Brotas, was promoted by the Psychology course and coordinated by Prof. Aicil Franco.

In her explanation, Prof. Dr. Leila raised the importance of understanding childhood and adolescence as phases in the formation of the individual's identity and how the facts to which they are submitted during this period can influence the adult they will be in the future. “The violence we find in society today is a reflection of this identity formation under the effect of violence”, he explained.

In his speech, the Portuguese professor raised remarkable data on the profile of violence among students at the University of Coimbra, highlighting how this amount can lead to a series of understandings such as breaking myths related to the abuse of psychotropic drugs – legal or not – and others environmental factors, such as poverty and lack of information.

"If we don't build people well, we won't have a good society, even with all this technology and access to information that are present in today's world," he declared.

“Bahiana it has also invested a lot in the production of scientific papers and having these people here with us today was really stimulating. We could see two important points: the first is that science has no borders and the other is that we have to play our part in building society”, said the coordinator of the Psychology course, Prof. Mônica Daltro.