
Bahiana participates in the 41st Duque de Caxias Race

Students and teachers of the Physiotherapy course received runners with stretching techniques and Kinesiotape.


Sunny morning, mild temperature. The climate contributed to the success of the 41st Duque de Caxias Race, which, for the first time, had the support of Bahiana represented by students and professors of the Physiotherapy course who received the runners who arrived at the Gerontological Center of Amaralina after covering seven kilometers, whose route started at Forte de São Diogo, in Porto da Barra.

the group of Bahiana participated in the event with a shelf where stretching activities and application of Kinesiotape (elastic bandage) were carried out, in addition to offering repositioning guidance. The experience was identified by students as enriching. “It was the first time I performed the bandage activity. So, it was very good to participate because in addition to learning more about the technique, we were able to provide well-being to the runners”, said 6th semester student, Marcela Maia.

For the brothers and students of the 8th semester, Murilo Negrão and Danyo Ribeiro, the activity was “productive to encourage the dissemination of techniques because few people know the work of Kinesiotape. People are always looking for massage work.

"For me it was very pleasurable because, within physiotherapy, there are several areas and the one I'm most interested in is sports, so it was good because I was able to attend the runners, represent the school and I already felt more comfortable in my area of intended performance”, declared the 8th semester student, Vinícius Lago.

According to Professor Luciana Oliveira, "the invitation came from the press office of the Army's Complementary Training School (EsFCEx) and the Military College of Salvador (CMS), entities that organize the race."

“I think this type of event is an opportunity to deepen our students' knowledge. It is gratifying to see that students show up at the agreed time, carry out the activities, make the commitment. This type of experience is very valid”, declared Prof. João Amaro Coelho Neto.

According to the deputy commander of EsFCEx, Colonel Salomão José de Santana, the event opens the Semana do Soldado, which will be held until August 25, with activities also open to the civil community with an exhibition at Shopping Iguatemi, which will continue throughout from the week until next Sunday, the day when military bands perform.

“The main objective of our race is to promote greater integration between the army and the civilian environment. This year we changed the route leaving Fort São Diogo with the aim of enhancing our fortresses, which are a heritage of our society. For the success of this event, we have several support and the support of the Bahiana it is also an important integration to awaken the interest of these students for a military career, which can be entered through a public examination”, declared Colonel Salomão José de Santana.

Check out the photos.