
New from Bahiana 2013.2

Meeting proposes a reflection on the current transformations in the world.


As mudanças no mundo contemporâneo, principalmente no Brasil, serviram de força motriz para o encontro dos Novos da Bahiana which took place this Friday morning, July 19, at the Cabula Academic Unit. The freshmen were welcomed by the exciting performance of the Choir from Bahiana and received with the words of the coordinator of the Psychopedagogical Care Center, Prof. Angélica Mendes and the coordinator of People Development, Prof. Luiza Ribeiro.

Na ocasião, foram apresentados os coordenadores de Biomedicina, Prof. Geraldo Argolo; Enfermagem, Prof.ª Maria de Lourdes Freitas Gomes; Medicina, Prof.ª Dr.ª Eliana de Paula; Odontologia, Prof. Dr. Urbino Tunes; Fisioterapia, Prof.ª Luciana Bilitário e Psicologia, Prof.ª Mônica Daltro. Também estiveram presentes o coordenador de Administração e Finanças da Bahiana, Emanoel Olímpio Alves de Souza, as well as pedagogical supervisors and undergraduate professors.

The meeting reached its peak with the philosophical journey led by guest Prof. Dr. Saja Ramos, from the Philosophy course at UFBA. With accessible and relaxed language, the philosopher from Bahia raised reflections on contemporary transformations, having as the theme: “Right in Concert: Epoch of Change. Epochal Change”.

Prof. Saja raised to the audience provocations already highlighted by important thinkers of the XNUMXth century, but without failing to mention questions from composers such as Arnaldo Antunes (Former Titans): “What are you hungry for?”, asked the participants. “For the first time in history we are creating a universal consciousness. The street demonstrations that took place in Brazil are proof of this”, pointed out the philosopher.

"This is an important class because it is starting its training in Bahiana at a time when Brazil is undergoing major changes in the area of ​​health. And the Bahiana it has been an institution of change since its beginning, 61 years ago”, commented Prof.ª Luiza Ribeiro.

New from Bahiana: expectations
The first meeting with the school was a special moment for many students. For the freshman of Dentistry, Marcos Luan, “the first meeting was very interesting. I hope to develop with the course and be a good professional in the area”.

For the new medical student, Juliane Moreira, aged 18, contacts with the School have helped her immerse herself in academic life. “I thought the experience and this first meeting were very good. These were good opportunities for me to get to know the Bahiana and being able to get acquainted with the course and with the institution”.

Be welcome!

Check out the photos!