
Bahiana ends 60th anniversary celebrations

Solemnity is marked with the delivery of the Virgílio Damázio Medal to the STJ minister, Dr. Eliana Calmon.


Authorities from the Bahian political and health sectors were present last Friday night, May 24, at the Cabula Academic Unit for a historic ceremony that marked the end of the 60th anniversary celebrations of Bahiana. At the ceremony, the institution's highest commendation, the Virgílio Damázio Medal, was awarded to the minister of the Superior Court of Justice, Dr. Eliana Calmon Alves.

In addition to the honoree, the Foundation's general coordinator participated in the board of directors. Bahiana for Science Development (FBDC) and general director of Bahiana, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani who directed the work; the executive director of FBDC, Dr. Jacques Saidi Salah; the president of the FBDC Board of Trustees, Dr. Ademário Galvão Spínola; the graduation coordinator who also represented the Federal Council of the OAB, Dr. Gaspare Saraceno, the president of TRE/BA, Desembargador Sara Brito and the Municipal Secretary of Urbanism and Transport of Salvador, Mr. José Carlos Aleluia.

After the presentation of the National Anthem and a brief participation by the choir from Bahiana, Minister Eliana Calmon Alves received the Virgílio Damázio Medal from Dr. Ademário Galvão Spínola. In turn, the diploma of legitimacy of the commendation was delivered by Dr. Jacques Saidi Salah.

In her speech, much appreciated by the minister and her family, Dr. Maria Luisa praised the preservation of ethical and moral values, which are very costly in Brazil today and which have been raised as a standard by the honoree. The words of the community representative from Bahiana they also narrated a brilliant history that led the minister to where she is today: an admired figure inside and outside the legal world.

“Dr. Eliana was chosen to receive this honor because she is the Bahian personality who, at the moment, best represents in Brazil, values ​​and skills that are very dear and important for an institution that seeks to train professionals and citizens committed to improving, not only the health conditions of the population , but the world”, explained Dr. Maria Luisa. According to her, the choice of the name of Dr. Eliana Calmon was unanimous among the members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees.

For the minister, a tribute that comes from outside the legal world shows the degree of breadth and importance of the judiciary. “This tribute shows that the different sectors of society are attentive to all this activity that justice does for society and those who serve. So, that makes me very happy and very satisfied”.

The deputy director of the Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Enio Ribeiro Maynard Barreto; state deputy Maria Luiza Carneiro; the councilor Sandoval Guimarães; the president of the Brazilian Dental Association - Bahia Section, Dr. Antistenes Albernaz; the former director of Bahiana and current president of the José Silveira Foundation, Prof. Dr. Geraldo Leite; the federal judge, Dr. Carlos D'Ávila; Dr. Antônio Pereira Falcão, representing the Regional Dental Council of Bahia; Judge Salomão Rezedá; the superintendent of Hospital Humberto Castro Lima, Mariana Soliani; the People Development coordinator at Bahiana, Prof. Luiza Ribeiro, as well as FBDC advisers, teachers and employees of the School.

Check out the photos.

Speech by Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani.

Rede Bahia was present at the event. Check out this news coverage on G1.