
III Physiotherapy Research Journey

Alumni share experiences with graduation.


"Today, the training of researchers begins at graduation. This is because the Ministry of Education understands that, even if one wants to work in the clinic, the professional must produce knowledge. As the period in graduate studies is very short, there is no time to learn to do research. It is necessary to learn to do research in graduation", explained the coordinator of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Extension at Bahiana, Prof. Dr. Kátia Sá, in her opening lecture of the III Physiotherapy Research Journey of Bahiana, held on May 2, at the Cabula Academic Unit. In her talk about the advancement of research in physiotherapy in Brazil, the professor drew the attention of undergraduate students to the existence of scientific research grants that are made available by Bahiana, either with its own resources or in partnership with the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Bahia (FAPESB).

Then, the coordinator of the Physiotherapy course, Prof. Rosenny Ferreira, presented a brief tribute to Dr. Celso Figuerôa, a physician who lends his name to the award that is given during the journey to the outstanding researcher, for the services he provides to the academic community gives Bahiana, with Prof. Kátia Sá being contemplated in this year. To carry out the delivery, a table was set up with the presence of teachers Selena Dubois, Patrícia Alcântara, Élen Beatriz Carneiro Pinto and Lidice Santos Souza e Fuad.

The program also included the testimony of graduate Marcos Santana, who shared his experience in the field of research with undergraduate students. Also during the morning shift, the research groups of the Bahiana, in addition to some studies by graduates of the School. In the afternoon shift, it was the students' turn from the 4th to the 8th semester to present what they have been scientifically producing at the school.

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