
Event addresses the importance of immunization

Academic League holds symposium in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Immunizations.


On April 20, the Academic League of Applied Infectology, in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Immunizations (SBIM), will carry out its I Immunization Journey that will take place in the auditorium of Hospital Português. The event is aimed at health professionals and students.

The program, which starts at 8 am, comprises 10 classes, two of which presented by the president of SBIM, Dr. Renato Kfori: Vaccination Calendar - Routine and Update in Different Situations and Pneumococcal Vaccination and one by the vice president of society, Dr. Guido Levi, who will present the theme Vaccination against Measles/Mumps/Rubella/Varicella.

Classes are also scheduled with doctors and professors from local institutions, such as the director of the Couto Maia Hospital and a professor at Bahiana, Dr. Ceuci Nunes; Dr. Adriana Dourado, from the State Health Department; Dr. Regis Campos, from the UFBA Immunology Service and Dr. Jacy Andrade from the Special Immunobiological Reference Center/UFBA.

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