
Bahiana present at ABRASCÃO 2012

Collective Health Meeting took place from November 14th to 18th in Porto Alegre.


Bahiana was present at the 10th Brazilian Congress of Collective Health - ACRASCÃO 2012, which took place from November 14th to 18th, in Porto Alegre, RS. Represented by the President of the Foundation's Board of Trustees Bahiana for Science Development, Dr. Ademário Galvão Spínola, by the coordinator of the Candeal Program and professor of the Psychology course, Maria Antonieta Nascimento Araújo and by the professor of the Nursing course, Sandra Brasil, the School was among the main institutions of higher education in health from Brazil that were also part of the event, a realization of the Brazilian Association of Collective Health - ABRASCO.

Among the topics discussed were issues related to epidemiology, humanization in health care, inclusion of topics on policies and collective/community health in the curricula of health courses, promotion of studies on human rights and qualitative methodologies in evidence.

On the occasion, the book “Education in Health in the Community: pedagogical elements of an interdisciplinary practice” was also presented, which brings together articles by several professors from Bahiana from experiences with the Candeal Program. The publication, launched by the School in partnership with UNEB, is organized by Prof. Maria Antonieta Nascimento Araújo and has a preface by Dr. Maria Luisa Soliani, director of Bahiana.