
Institutional Assessment 2012.2

Participate and help make a Bahiana even better.


CLICK HERE to see the poster. 

Another semester is drawing to a close. This is the perfect time to review ideas, evaluate mistakes and successes, and thus plan improvements for our future.

Therefore, the Bahiana convida alunos e professores para participar da Avaliação Institucional 2012.2. Uma ótima oportunidade para que você opine sobre os aspectos positivos e negativos do trabalho da instituição, contribuindo para o seu aperfeiçoamento.

The questionnaire is available at Student Portal and Professor.

Check it step by step:

1. On the Home of the website of Bahiana, click on the banner of Student Portal ou Teacher's Portal;

2. Enter the USER and PASSWORD;

3. Select the item QUESTIONNAIRES and please answer the 2012 Institutional Assessment questionnaires
   - for students: Student Self-Assessment, Faculty Assessment by the Student and Assessment of Academic Infrastructure and Services;  
  - for teachers: Teacher Self-Assessment, Teacher Assessment of Classes and Assessment of Academic Infrastructure and Services;

4. Contact the CPA via email, to solve any problems regarding the viewing of quizzes and/or teachers/subjects, as well as obtaining/updating your login/password.



Own Evaluation Committee:
71 3276 8208
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