
Children's Day in the Amazon River Community

Students from Pet odonto and from the Academic League of First Aid shared notions of health education in the commemoration of Children's Day.


Nothing better than being a child and celebrating your day with a delicious snack, games and lots of fun. That was October 12th for more than 400 children from the Amazon River Community. The special program, which was supported by the Bahiana e com a participação da Liga Acadêmica de Primeiros Socorros (LAPS) e do grupo de estudantes do PET Odonto, fez parte do projeto Faça uma Criança Feliz.

Conceived and coordinated by the resident of the community and collaborator of the Bahiana, Rodineli Conceição de Oliveira, better known as Roni do Audiovisual, the project is now in its fourth year of the project, this being the third time that the School participates supporting the action.

Among the activities carried out during the day, there were a theatrical presentation, painting, bounce and games. Basic notions of oral hygiene were presented by PET Odonto students. In turn, the LAPS students shared some first aid teachings with the community. Teachers and school employees were also present.