
Bahiana and Fiocruz

Institutions reaffirm partnership in Research and Teaching seminar


Present to researchers from Bahiana e da Fiocruz as potencialidades das duas instituições no campo da produção científica foi o objetivo do Seminário Integrado de Pesquisa e Ensino que aconteceu na manhã da última sexta-feira, 20 de julho, na sede do Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz (Fiocruz – Bahia).

The initiative reinforces the objectives of the agreement signed between the two institutions, in November 2011, providing for mutual support in the development of programs, projects and activities in the areas of research, teaching, technological development, production, technical-scientific information, health care , quality and environment. "Today, if a researcher of the Bahiana it is possible, thanks to this partnership, to do research at any Fiocruz unit in Brazil", pointed out the director of Fiocruz - Bahia and professor of the Medicine course at Bahiana, Dr. Mitermayer Galvao dos Reis.

to the director of Bahiana, Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, "this partnership is also the sharing of ideas and principles between two institutions". On the occasion, she made a presentation of the institution, its history and actions carried out in its reference centers, Teaching-Care Clinics and research centers, emphasizing the promotion of scientific initiation with the granting of research grants and the holding of events such as the Scientific and Cultural Exhibition and the Researchers Forum of the Bahiana.

The coordinator of Postgraduate Studies, Research and Extension of the Bahiana, Dr. Kátia Sá, the main researcher at Fiocruz and professor at Bahiana, Bernardo Galvão Castro Filho, as well as researchers from both institutions.

During the seminar, works carried out in partnership were also presented, such as those led by researchers Maria Fernanda Rios Grassi, Luiz Carlos Alcântara and Valéria Borges, PhD student at Fiocruz and coordinator of the Biotechnology and Bioprospecting Nucleus (NBBio/EBMSP), Diego Menezes and the teacher of Bahiana, Artur Dias Lima.