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Board of Master's course in Dentistry of Bahiana


Between the 27th and 29th of June, the presentations of the dissertations of the Master's course in Dentistry of the Bahiana. Professors from the postgraduate program of the Bahiana Silvia Regina de Almeida Reis, Márcia Maria Souza, Gabriela Botelho Martins, Maurício Vieira Lisboa, Luiz Gustavo Cavalcanti Bastos, Viviane Maia Barreto de Oliveira, Emilena Maria Castor Xisto Lima, , Márcia Sepúlveda Noya, Urbino da Rocha Tunes, Isaac Suzart Gomes Filho, Sandro Bittencourt, Márcia Tosta Xavier, Viviane Coelho Dourado, Denise Cerqueira Oliveira, Francisco Xavier Paranhos Coelho Simões and Paula Mathias.

On the 27th, the works "Ultrasonic Debridement of the Whole Mouth in the Treatment of Severe Chronic Periodontitis in Diabetic Patients" by Ana Luísa Teixeira Meira, supervised by Professor Érica Del Peloso Ribeiro, were presented; and "Analysis of the Mast Cell Contingent in Inflammatory Oral Lesions", by Kariza Vargens Diniz Correia, supervised by professor Alena Ribeiro Alves Peixoto Medrado.

On the 28th, it was the turn of the papers "Assessment of Halitosis in Type 2 Diabetic Individuals with Chronic Periodontitis", by master's student Camila Barreto dos Santos Tolomei, supervised by professor Roberta Santos Teixeira; "Evaluation of Flexural Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Two Direct and One Laboratory Resins After Three Different Additional Polymerization Methods", by Cristal Fernandez de Carvalho; and "Effect of Different Polishing Systems on the Surface Roughness of Two Cerômeros", by Iris Durães Costa, supervised by Professor Emilena Maria Castor Xisto Lima.

On the last day, the papers "Assessment of Periodontal Microsurgery Technique for the Treatment of Gingival Recessions in Smokers", by master student Renata de Araújo Barbosa, whose advisor was Professor Sandro Bittencourt; and "Effect of Agitation and Storage Temperature on Water Sorption and Solubility of Adhesive Systems", by Saryta Argolo Souza Amaral, under the supervision of Andréa Nóbrega Cavalcanti.