
Physiotherapy article is the 5th most visited in Scielo

Recognition was published in the Brazilian Archives of Cardiology.


The scientific article "Circulatory response to a 50-m walk in the coronary unit, in acute coronary syndrome", by the professor of the Physiotherapy course, Cristiane Maria Carvalho Costa Dias, was recognized by the Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, the most important and oldest publication of the Brazilian cardiology, as the 5th most visited article in Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online), during 2011.

The study was carried out with 65 patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS), with the aim of establishing a standardized and monitored technique to start their rehabilitation.

The research was built in partnership with researcher physiotherapists Ana Célia Carneiro de Almeida Maiato, Kátia Maria Moreno Baqueiro, Alessandra Maia Furtado Ficaredo, Fernanda Warken Rosa, Janaina Oliveira Pitanga, Ludmila Ivo Catão de Souza and the Professor of the Medicine course at Bahiana, Dr. Armênio Costa Guimarães, cardiologist.

Check the article by clicking HERE.