
launch lecture

Activity marks the launch of the course on early intervention in child development disorders.


As professoras e psicólogas Andréa Diniz e Daniele Wanderley realizam, nesta quinta-feira, 10 de maio, uma palestra de lançamento do curso “Intervenção Precoce: a atuação do psicólogo nos transtornos do desenvolvimento infantil”. A atividade gratuita e aberta ao público acontece no Pátio do Pavilhão de Aulas da Unidade Acadêmica Brotas, starting at 19:30 pm.

Bahiana promotes, in May and June, the course “Early Intervention: the role of the psychologist in child development disorders”. Aimed at psychology students, psychologists, physiotherapists, nurses, doctors, occupational therapists and pedagogues, the course will be taught by Andréa Diniz, master in Child Development, member of the Interdisciplinary Nucleus of Early Intervention (NIIP) and professor of the Psychology course at Bahiana; and by Daniele Wanderley, Master of Psychology and NIIP coordinator.

Among the main objectives, the course intends to introduce participants to theoretical knowledge about the emotional health of babies and their development up to three years of age, based on their relationship with each other. Students will learn how to detect early signs of psychological distress in young children, as well as developmental disorders.

The course will also highlight the interdisciplinary practice in early childhood care, favoring dialogue between the various professionals involved, taking into account practices aimed at babies, children up to three years old and their families, and the need for intervention in situations of difficulty in the parent-baby bond, such as prematurity, depression, paternal psychosis, neglect and child abuse.

Enrollment at the Postgraduate, Research and Extension Office of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

Information: (071) 3276 8265.