
Psychology Lecture Cycle

Dyslexia will be a meeting topic.


CLICK HERE to see the poster.

Dyslexia and Learning: a “marriage” that works! This is the theme of the lecture that will take place on June 06th, at the Academic Unit Brotas, from 19pm. The meeting is part of the cycle of psychology lectures in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the regularization of the profession in Brazil and the 60th anniversary of the Bahiana.

The objective is to discuss dyslexia and learning as aspects that intertwine, complete and interpose, directly or indirectly interfering with the carrier.

The activity will have Prof. Débora Silva de Castro Pereira as a speaker and is aimed at psychology students, psychologists, education professionals and pedagogues.

Don't miss this opportunity!

Department of Graduate Studies, Research and Extension

Academic Unit Brotas  
Av. D. João VI, 275 - Brotas
Phone: 71. 3276-8265

Cabula Academic Unit
Av. Silveira Martins, 3386 - Cabula
Phone: 71. 3257-8206