
Health Fair

ADAB performs health promotion service in social action in the neighborhood of Brotas.


Teachers and students from the School's various courses participate, through the Teaching-Assistance Outpatient Clinic of the Bahiana (ADAB), de mais uma edição da Feira de Saúde da Paróquia de Nossa Senhora de Brotas, which takes place on the 26th of May, from 8am to 16pm.

Among the health services, blood pressure measurements will be carried out with guidance on the prevention and control of arterial hypertension; capillary blood glucose test for people over 40 years of age, the group at greatest risk for diabetes, thus promoting diabetes control and early diagnosis; calculation of the Body Mass Index - BMI - for obesity prevention and control; rapid test for diagnosis of Hepatitis C; playful activities for children and teenagers; Pap smear (vaginal cytology), which will be performed by IPERBA residents.

Health Fair of the Parish of Our Lady of Brotas
Date: May 26th
End.: Av. Dom João VI, n° 423 - Brotas

Free Entry