
XVIII Occupational Therapy Week of Bahiana

Discussion on Public Policies and inclusion of people with disabilities was one of the themes of the event.


The courtyard of the Academic Unit Brotas was crowded throughout the morning of last Thursday, October 27th, due to the opening roundtable of the XVIII Occupational Therapy Week of the Bahiana which continued until Friday afternoon, with various activities.

Com o tema Políticas Públicas das Pessoas com Deficiências e Inclusão, a mesa contou com a participação de Tereza Cristina de Holanda, representante da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Educação e Lazer; Graciele Leal, diretora de Promoção e Defesa dos Direitos da Pessoa Deficiente, da Secretaria da Justiça, Cidadania e Direitos Humanos da Bahia; Nilzã Gomes dos Santos, do Centro de Apoio Pedagógico do Deficiente Visual; Márcia de Paula, terapeuta ocupacional do Centro de Prevenção e Reabilitação da Pessoa com Deficiência  (Cepred) e Wilson Gomes da Comissão Civil de Acessibilidade de Salvador COCAS.

In the audience, in addition to students and professors from the occupational therapy course, there were also young people assisted by the Center for Rehabilitation and Prevention of Disabilities of the Irmã Dulce Social Works Association (CRPD-AOSID). At the end of the morning, they performed a capoeira presentation and an animated samba roda. During the entire event, an educational workshop for children was held on the premises of the Occupational Therapy Service of the Teaching-Assistential Outpatient Clinic of Bahia (ADAB).

For the Occupational Therapy student, Thalita Almeida, there was a change of audience in this edition. “Our objective was to promote a discussion about public policies for people with disabilities, the elderly and people with mental illnesses. I think we had a different audience this year, because in previous editions, we were more focused on the academic community and now we are more focused on users of the occupational therapy service”, explains the 6th semester student.

Na sexta-feira, aconteceu a mesa redonda Saúde Mental e Inclusão com a participação de representantes das Secretarias Municipal e Estadual de Saúde (CREASE e AMEA). No final do dia, aconteceu o IV Encontro de Egressos com o coquetel em comemoração aos 10 anos de formatura da turma de 2001.

The event also had stands where adapted toys, paintings by the artist Iuri Cunha and handicrafts by D. Zélia Andrade Lefundes, patient from the physiotherapy service at the Bahiana.


Check out the photos.