
Videoconference: SIG Cardiology

CEDETE hosts another videoconference this Monday.


“Dor Precordial e Arritmia em Adulto Jovem”. Este será o tema da videoconferência da SIG Cardiologia que acontece nesta segunda-feira, 05 de setembro, a partir das 10h, no CEDETE. A apresentação será realizada pela professora do curso de Medicina da Bahiana, Dr. Lucíola Crisostomo.

The SIG Cardiology counts with the participation of several public and private universities from all over Brazil that will be following, through the University Network of Telemedicine (RUTE), the presentation of Prof. Lucíola. The objective of this SIG is to promote the discussion of clinical cases, the promotion of refresher courses and the training of health teams in the area of ​​telecardiology.

New SIG Cardiology videoconferences will take place in the coming months. Stay tuned and participate!

Monday – 05/09/2011 – 10 am

Chest Pain and Arrhythmia in Young Adults

Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública
CEDETE's Videoconference Room

General Coordination
Av. D. João VI, 274 - Brotas