

Integrality in the Making of Psychology: an overview of former students of Bahiana.


26 August

Courtyard of the Academic Unit Brotas

Opening Lecture - 09:30 am to 10 am
Indispensable Values ​​to Psychology as a Profession
Valter da Mata, psychologist and president of the Regional Council of Psychology.
Angélica Mendes, psychologist and coordinator of the Psychopedagogical Care Center at Bahiana - NAPP.

Conference - 10am to 11am
The Madness in Contemporary Screens
Marcela Antelo, psychoanalyst, psychologist and master in Philosophy.
Member of the Assoc. World of Psychoanalysis and the Brazilian School of Psychoanalysis, professor of the Postgraduate Course Latu Sensu: Theory of Psychoanalysis of Lacanian Orientation at the Brazilian School of Psychoanalysis with the seal of Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública.

chat wheel - 11am to 12:30pm
Psychologist as a Manager in Different Contexts
Coordination: Maria Cândida Tavares, psychologist at NAPP

HR Management: Experience Report
Lucas Manoel Oliveira, graduated in 2006.

The Psychologist as a Humanization Project Manager
Ana Cristina Santana Matos, graduated in 2005.

Social Commitment Psychology at CRAS
Carlos Vinícius Melo, graduated in 2009.

Entrepreneurship in Psychology: can psychology be a business?
Bruno Vieira, graduated in 2005.

August of the Arts - 12:30 pm to 13:30 pm
choir of Bahiana

Exhibition: "New Professors of Psychology"
Monica Daltro

chat wheel – 13:30 pm to 15:XNUMX pm
Psychology and Diversity
Coordination: Marta Moreno

Psychologist's role in the Public Service: beyond clinical care
Mavie Eloy, graduated in 2005.

Educational Practices of Mothers of Children with ADHD
Luciana Silva, graduated in 2004.

Parental Care for a Child with Down Syndrome
Liliana Sobrinho, graduated in 2004.

chat wheel – 15 pm to 17 pm
Psychology and Mental Health
Coordination: Luciana Fontes

Psychologist's role in the SUS: articulating knowledge and practices for health promotion
Ana Vanessa Medeiros, graduated in 2004.

Traffic Psychology: emerging practice
Maíra Coelho Amorim, graduated in 2005.

Mental Health and Work: Psychology's contributions to the field of health and safety at work
Gerfson Moreira Oliveira, graduated in 2005.

Residency in Mental Health
Cynara Araújo, graduated in 2005.


CLICK HERE to see the poster with the schedule.