
11th Scientific and Cultural Exhibition of Bahiana

Sign up now and compete for airline tickets.


Vem aí a XI Mostra Científica e Cultural da BAHIANA and IX Scientific Initiation Journey/PIBIC that will take place on September 29 for the group of researchers from BAHIANA, opening the I Forum of Researchers of the BAHIANA e, nos dias 30 de setembro e 01 de outubro de 2011, para os docentes, discentes e funcionários da BAHIANA, at the Cabula Academic Unit, with the following objectives:

- promote greater inter- and intra-course integration;
- encourage participation in Scientific Initiation;
- develop a critical spirit in scientific methodology;
- encourage the academic community to produce and disseminate scientific and cultural works, as well as develop social responsibility actions with the communities present in the area of ​​operation of the BAHIANA.

MCC11 registrations will be held from 07/06 to 28/08/2011, in the following categories: professors, undergraduates, graduate students and employees of the BAHIANA.

The works submitted from 07/06 to 17/07 will compete for a drawing of two air tickets (one for the advisor and one for the academic chosen by the group of authors) to participate in scientific activity within the national territory.

The drawing will be held on 30/09 during the opening session, at the Cabula Academic Unit, using the work registration number.

A inscrição será on-line, no endereço, onde estará disponível o respectivo formulário que deverá ser preenchido e enviado por um participante responsável pelo trabalho acadêmico, projeto de pesquisa ou atividade prático-vivencial.

Saiba maiores detalhes lendo o REGULAMENTO.


CLICK HERE to see the poster.