
Bahiana hosts meeting of CREFITO7

Professional Entrepreneurial Project is presented to students and professionals of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy.


Prepare the future professional of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy to manage their own career, whether as a liberal professional or as an entrepreneur. This was the main focus of the meeting of the Entrepreneur Professional Project that took place this Monday (30) from 19:XNUMX, in the auditorium of the Academic Unit Cabula.

The evening featured lectures by Sebrae consultant Fabrício Barreto, Crefito7 auditor Allana Magnani and Banco do Nordeste do Brasil consultant Cícero José dos Santos.

Launched 02 years ago by Crefito 7's Communications Department, the project carries out an awareness-raising action among Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy students and professionals so that, with the support of Sebrae and Banco do Nordeste, they have better guidance in the implementation and in the preparation of business plans. According to the Sebrae consultant, "approximately 500 professionals in the area have already sought the service since the project was launched, and 20% of them have become Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy entrepreneurs".

In his lecture, Fabrício showed the advantages and disadvantages of opening a business company or remaining as an individual. "The purpose of the project is to pass on to the professional the possibility of developing as an entrepreneur, showing what is viable for him, or not", he explains.

According to the consultant, everything starts with the preparation of a business plan that can be developed with the support of Sebrae, which can be done in three or four meetings. The second part is to see the possible ways of putting the plan into practice, evaluating the financial conditions that, depending on the case, can count on the help of financing through a banking institution.

In turn, Cícero José dos Santos, explains that Banco do Nordeste do Brasil offers long-term financing at low interest rates. "We do this because we work with a resource from the federal government with the purpose of developing the small business to generate employment and income. So, we work with subsidized rates". In addition to this option, BNB also offers lines for liberal professionals.

In her lecture, the auditor of Crefito7, Allana Magnani, spoke about the inspection work carried out by the agency, both with professionals and with establishments and clinics - schools.

Regarding the project, she highlights it as "important, as it brings professionals closer to the agency, in addition to helping them manage their careers".