
Viver Group Best Museum Visit

Participants of the Candeal Program visit the Misericórdia Museum on International Museum Day.


The Viver Melhor Group, which is part of the Candeal Program, took advantage of the International Museum Day, celebrated on May 18, to visit the Misericórdia Museum, national historical heritage, organ of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia da Bahia, the oldest and most visited in the state.

During the visit, the group was able to follow and appreciate the evolution of the arts, in the areas of architecture, painting, sculpture, implements and furniture, among other pieces, from the XNUMXth to the XNUMXst centuries. According to the coordinator of the group and professor of the Medicine course, Dr. Eliana de Paula, what “came a lot of attention was the 'Roda dos Expostos', a wooden device that was on one of the walls of the Santa Casa to receive the children found by the society".

The Medicine, Physiotherapy and Nursing students present were challenged by the Museum's coordinator, Mrs. Jane Palma, to carry out research projects in the field of hospital pharmacy, historical aspects of medicine and others.

During the tour, the group got to know the area where the patients' wards and the pharmacy of the then called Hospital de Caridade, the first hospital in the state, operated. In addition to Professor Dr. Eliana de Paula, Professor Míriam Marambaia also accompanied the group.

It is worth visiting the Misericórdia Museum, which is open from Monday to Saturday, from 10 am to 17 pm and, on Sundays and holidays, from 13 pm to 17 pm.