
Bahiana in the fight against DENGUE!

The great mission is to combat the formation of mosquito breeding sites.


Dengue is currently a serious public health problem in the world, especially in tropical regions, where environmental conditions favor the development and proliferation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Very fast, it can happen in any container that holds standing water and this can happen, both in shady and sunny areas. The multiplication of breeding sites makes it even more difficult to effectively eliminate the disease, which is only possible with a break in the reproduction cycle, since there are no vaccines or medications to prevent contamination.  

Dengue manifests itself in four different ways, ranging from the inapparent type, when the person is sick, but has no symptoms, to hemorrhage, which can lead to shock and death.
Dengue is suspected in cases of acute febrile illness lasting up to seven days, which is accompanied by at least two of the following symptoms: headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle pain, joint pain, discouragement and spots red on the body.
The person is infected with the virus, but does not have any symptoms of dengue.

Usually, the symptoms of dengue appear suddenly and last between five and seven days, and after this period, tiredness and indisposition may persist. The infected person has a high fever (39° to 40°C), headache, tiredness, muscle and joint pain, malaise, nausea, vomiting, red patches on the skin, abdominal pain (especially in children), among other symptoms.

Extremely high fever is one of the first symptoms of dengue fever. Initially, the symptoms of Hemorrhagic Dengue are similar to Classic Dengue, but after the third or fourth day of disease evolution, nose, gingival, urinary, gastrointestinal or uterine hemorrhages occur due to bleeding from small vessels in the skin and organs internal. If not treated quickly, this type can lead to death.

The person affected by this type of dengue has an almost imperceptible pulse, restlessness, pallor and loss of consciousness. In this manifestation of the disease, there are records of several complications, such as neurological changes, cardiorespiratory problems, liver failure, digestive hemorrhage, pleural effusion and, if not treated immediately, it can be fatal.

Dengue is only transmitted by the bite of the female Aedes aegypti mosquito infected with the disease virus. Contamination occurs when it sucks the blood of a person carrying the virus. After an incubation period, which starts right after the mosquito has contacted the virus and lasts between 8 and 12 days, the mosquito is able to transmit the disease. It is important to note that this does not happen through contact with a patient or their secretions, just as the virus is not transmitted through water or food.

People infected with the dengue virus can also prevent Aedes aegypti bites by using repellents and mosquito nets. In this way, it is possible to break the virus transmission chain, preventing the transmission of the virus to the mosquito. 

• Fill potted planter plates with sand to the brim

• Weekly wash the interior of utensils used to store water

• Keep water barrels and barrels tightly capped

• Keep the water tank always closed with a suitable lid

• Dispose of any object that may accumulate water in the trash.

• When cultivating bromeliads, it is essential to treat them with bleach in the proportion of one tablespoon to one liter of water

• Avoid littering on vacant lots

• Deliver your old tires to the urban collection service or puncture them so that they do not retain water

• Always store empty bottles upside down and in a covered place

• Avoid letting rainwater accumulate on the slab

• Remove leaves, branches and anything that can prevent water from running through the gutters

• Wash mineral water bottle holders thoroughly whenever you change them

• Check the accumulation of water in the air conditioning trays

• Leave the lid of the toilets closed and check the drains for clogging

• Broken glass on the wall: put sand or cement on all those that can accumulate water.
Dengue is a dynamic disease, which can rapidly evolve from a mild to a more severe one. Its treatment requires plenty of rest and drinking plenty of fluids, such as water, natural juices or tea. It is necessary to be aware of the symptoms that may indicate the evolution of the disease. At the first signs of contamination, the person with this suspicion must immediately go to a health center and avoid the use of any medication based on acetylsalicylic acid, such as AAS, Melhoral, Doril, Sonrisal, Alka-Seltzer, Engov, Cibalena, Doloxene and Bufferin. Because it has an anticoagulant effect, this substance can lead to hemorrhage, worsening of the disease and death.
Water Tanks • Drums • Plant Pots • Tanks • Cisterns • Bottles • Cans • Tires • Pans • Gutters • Trays • Basins • Drains • Gutters • Cement blocks • Tires • Plant leaves • Bamboo stumps • Holes of Trees • Egg Shells • Loose Canvas • Debris Exposed to Rain 

Important: the mosquito's egg can survive up to 450 days, even if the place where it was deposited is dry. If the area receives water again, the egg will become active and can reach adulthood in a period of between two and three days. Because of this, it is essential to eliminate water and wash the containers with a brush, water and soap. 
The battle against dengue is a mission for the entire society and only with collective participation can we win this war once and for all.