
Let's celebrate World Health Day

The date marks the creation of the World Health Constitution, launched on April 07, 1950.


O dia 07 de abril é marco para a saúde, em todo o mundo, porque foi nessa data, no ano de 1950, que a Organização Mundial da Saúde publicou a Constituição Mundial da Saúde. A cada ano, a OMS propõe um tema para ser discutido, refletido e trabalhado, a fim de proporcionar uma melhor qualidade de vida a todos os povos. Neste ano, o tema que será debatido é Antibiotic Resistance. Among the factors highlighted by the Organization are the inappropriate use of medicines, lack of infection control, poor quality of medicines, inefficient research, etc. 

Click here to watch the video with the director of PAHO/WHO, Mirta Roses and learn more.

To reflect
Today is World Health Day. But what is health for you? Is it not being sick? Is it enjoying physical and mental balance? In today's world, where everything is interconnected, new concepts are emerging. Has the concept of health changed?

Comecemos pelo dicionário. Segundo o Houaiss, o substantivo feminino ‘saúde’ significa “estado de equilíbrio dinâmico entre o organismo e seu ambiente, o qual mantém as características estruturais e funcionais do organismo dentro dos limites normais para a forma particular de vida (raça, gênero, espécie) e para a fase particular de seu ciclo vital”. Bem abrangente, porém pouco humano – limites normais? O que vem a ser normal hoje, nesse tempo em que buscamos informações, atendimentos, serviços, objetos personalizados? A exemplo disso temos: saúde da família, saúde do idoso, da mulher, do homem e até da diversidade, segundo o site da OPAS/OMS.

The World Health Organization says: “health is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease”, which is part of the WHO Constitution. Simple but more comprehensive concept. We could even say that sadness, anguish, dissatisfaction are also symptoms of illness and, therefore, translate into poor health.

But how to achieve this proposal “fullness” in today's world, so full of conflicts, haste, excesses? Is promoting health promoting medical care? Would a more democratic and harmonious world not be the model for a healthier world?

And in relation to physical integrity, it is better to be safe than sorry. So, promoting health would not be seeking more humanization in the relationships between individuals, institutions, states, nations? Healthy world, healthy mind. Healthy mind, healthy body.

Let's celebrate this day!

CLICK HERE to see our tribute.