

Death note


With great regret, the Bahiana comunica a perda de um membro de sua família. O professor Marco Túlio Rodrigues Brasileiro, do curso de Biomedicina, faleceu na manhã deste sábado, 19 de março, na cidade de Aracaju.

Professor and Veterinary Doctor Marco Túllio Rodrigues Brasileiro was a professional driven by a passion for science and teaching. He dedicated himself to themes from different areas such as Human Health, Animal Health, Environment and Bioclimatology.
He was the inspirer of countless professionals who, based on his example, will certainly tread the path and the rigor of ethical conduct, based on the truth, thus giving continuity to his work, polishing his ideas, forged with love for science and the training of countless young undergraduates who were gratified by living with this distinguished human being.

He was a tenacious and competent collaborator in his performance in Bahiana.

Technical Manager for the installation and maintenance of the School's Animal Facilities, he was also a professor of Zoonoses and Community Health. His charisma and competence as a professor were confirmed when he was honored by the graduating class of 2010.2 from the Biomedicine course.

Mass was celebrated at 09:30 am, in chapel A, and burial at 10:00 am, in Salvador, at Jardim da Saudade cemetery, on Sunday, March 20th. 

 The community Bahiana sympathizes with family and friends.