
Freshman Enrollment for all courses

Find out all about how, when and where to enroll.


Training Selection Process 2011.1 of Bahiana 


Freshman Enrollment - All Courses


SCHOOL BAHIANA OF MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH summons candidates classified in the Training Selection Process 2011.1, according to the corresponding lists published on the websites e; and posted at the General Coordination, Av. Dom João VI, 274, Brotas, to register, subject to the following conditions:


I - Enrollment Date and Location


 II - Required Documentation


a) identity card;
b) birth certificate;
c) marriage certificate (in case of name change);
d) voter registration card; 
e) proof of regularity with military service;
f) 2 recent 3x4 photos with white background.


Completion of High School (College, Technical or Supplementary Course), delivering the original Academic Transcript and Certificate of Completion of the course.
The Academic Transcript must contain a stamp from the Department of Education of the State where the candidate took the course, proving the authenticity of the document. The stamp is waived when the academic record is issued by a school that is part of the structure of the Department of Education of the State of Bahia.


III - Effectiveness


Enrollment will only be considered effective upon delivery of the complete documentation and payment of the amount contained in the payment slip, which may be made by the applicant, their parents or legally constituted attorney-in-fact.


IV - Complementary Information
The student from an authorized or recognized higher education institution, who attended any subject common to the course for which he opted for, must provide the academic record and program of this subject in order to request a waiver upon enrollment.


Failure to prove completion of High School or non-attendance, on the date determined for enrollment, subject to the provisions of item III of this Notice, will result in the cancellation of the candidate's classification, losing the right to a vacancy (Ministerial Ordinance No. 837, of 31 . 08, Art. 90). The candidate's non-attendance on the determined date will be considered as a withdrawal.


Salvador December 20, 2010 


Prof. Dr. Maria Luisa C. Soliani - Director