
VI Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana proposes meeting of generations

Workshops and lectures discuss the differences between generations and possibilities of meeting between them.


On October 22nd and 23rd, the faculty of the Bahiana he met at the Cabula Academic Unit to deal with the differences, conflicts, encounters and disagreements between his generation and the generations of students and future students. It was during the VI Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana which had as theme This is not a math class: how to transform (gBb + gX) ÷ (gY + gZ) into gBb + gX + gY + gZ.  

According to Dr. Maria Luisa Carvalho Soliani, director of Bahiana, the Forum's work helps the professor to adapt to the changes demanded by the interaction with the different generations. “We know that there are other ways for the school to work taking these adaptations into account. But it has to have the movement of the teacher. He has to promote change in the school with what he has to offer, with what students have to offer.”

The schedule, which included the special lecture "Living with different generations", given by the guest expert on the subject, Eline Kullock, the night ended with the Generations Ball, held on Saturday (23/10), at Jardins da Coordination. The costume for the ball was related to the theme, where the guest should be dressed in the youthful style of his time, of each one's generation, that's why so many hippies. In addition to a lot of joy and relaxation, there was also the award for the team of teacher Léa Maria Ferreira, who received the trophy Golden butterfly for acting in the dynamic that took place late Saturday morning.

During Friday (22/10), the program had a series of workshops. The idea was to work on new pedagogical methodologies both with regard to work in the classroom, as well as more effective assessments. One of the workshops was given by the deputy director of Colégio Cândido Portinari, specialist in Academic Management and Learning Problems, Selma Brito. With the theme "Concept maps as a pedagogical strategy", she developed with the teachers of Bahiana a technique linked to the theory of meaningful learning. According to the pedagogue, the methodology aims to make the teacher better understand the student in his individuality. “This technique proposes a better understanding by the teacher about the learning process of each individual and that this individual learns differently, as their learning is based on personal experiences. The Conceptual Map is a technique that makes individualization in the learning process possible”.

The psychologist and psychoanalyst Cláudio Carvalho, together with Prof. Margarida Serrão, also a psychologist and psychoanalyst, worked on the theme “Cultural mutation and the teacher's place in contemporary times”.  He says that he has been receiving, more and more frequently, invitations to carry out continuing education for teachers “and this is important because we are at a time of accelerated cultural changes and the teacher is very displaced”, explains Cláudio, noting that generations have always faced each other. “It has always been this way. Conflict today is no longer about confronting authority, but about not recognizing it. This is part of modern culture itself.”

For the Professor of Screening and Urgency of the Dentistry course and member of the Interdisciplinary Monitoring Program Corações da Bahiana, Leonardo Costa, who participated in the workshop of Prof. Claudio, the moment was important because “we were able to hear the opinion of other teachers in relation to education – an arduous task that. It was also important to get to know professors from other courses and see that it is not just us who go through some problems, but others as well, and with that to learn from their experience”.

The exchange of experiences was also put into practice at the workshop “Very Nice, I'm ABP!”. Taught by professors Jorge Clarêncio S. Andrade, Marcos Ribeiro, Carina Oliveira and Cláudia de Carvalho Santana. The main objective of the workshop was to train teachers for the planning and elaboration of cases in Problem-Based Learning (PBL). According to Prof. Cláudia, the workshop was based on some already known principles, “But we draw the attention of the professors to the fact that the methodology is important, but that it will work depending on their involvement with the case created. This will get the student involved.”

Throughout the day, there were workshops Group: place of difference; Virtual environment: a tool in favor of teaching and learning; Construction of learning assessment using technological resources; Self-Assessment in an Integral Perspective; The use of the seminar as an active teaching and learning methodology; Teaching techniques, successful experiences and difficulties; I assess, you assess, we assess, they assess...

Saturday morning had a few more surprises, such as the performance "Can our Japanese be more creative than others?". With the participation of the coordinator of the Physiotherapy course, Roseny Ferreira and the pedagogical supervisor (Nazaré) José Narciso Paiva, the drama presented the differences between generations and how they can 'meet'. This served as the opening for the most important moment of the Forum, the lecture "Living with different generations", which was taught by Eline Kullock, administrator, specialist in Human Resources and president of Grupo Foco.

Drawing a historical overview, the speaker helped participants to better understand each generation, from veterans – born between 1922 and 1943, to Generation Y – young people born between 1980 and 2000 and already making room for Generation Z. According to Eline, the best way for the confrontation of generations to become an encounter is dialogue. According to her, generations X (born between 1960 and 1980) and Y (born after 1980) should “talk a lot and don't get stuck in a manual. Generation X is the manual generation. The meeting takes place in trial and error and this is the way for Generation Y to learn, through trial and error.”

For the Biomedicine professor, Diego Menezes, 24 years old and, therefore, Generation Y, the educator today must develop more than one role, “In the classroom, we have to be, at times, generation X and generation Y so that there is better communication. But I think the family is very important, as the values ​​must permeate the generations”.

Understanding is also the solution pointed out by Prof. Dr. Maria Luísa Carvalho Soliani. “The teacher should not reinforce these differences, but live and learn with these new generations, without, of course, giving up certain values. We can transform the confrontation into an encounter through understanding”.
In short, it is a fact that the VI Pedagogical Forum of Bahiana it was a success and that all participating professors left the event satisfied and armed with a lot of information and learning to take with them and apply to their new challenges, which are already taking place, and in others that are to come.


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