
YES! Plus will hold an Experimental Class at Bahiana

The most popular extracurricular course at Harvard.


O YES! plus it has already made a difference for thousands of young people around the world, bringing a significant improvement both in their studies, as well as in their personal and professional lives. It is a dynamic and innovative program aimed at the full development of personal and vocational skills.

It provides effective breathing techniques, meditation to deal with stress and negative emotions and achieve more clarity and efficiency in everyday life, enabling the young person to reach their ideals in life with greater ease and confidence.


Date: October 18th to 23th

Location: Academic Unit Brotas

Open Hours:
Monday to Friday from 07:00 am to 11:30 am
Saturday from 09:00 am to 17:00 pm

Andréia | 9993-1226 / Betânia | 8788-3852 / Wilma | 8765-1062

CLICK HERE to check the event poster.

Visit the website of YES! plus and learn more about the program.